Jun 23, 2021 | Articles, News, Relationships
A trauma bond is a dangerous connection between an abusive person and their victim, essentially a power and control relationship. So, can this type of relationship become healthy? The answer is no, it is extremely unlikely. Being the victim in a trauma bond is...
Apr 1, 2021 | News, Self-care
The 21st June is the day we have been advised that our lives could return to some form of normality. To many of us, this means looking forward to seeing friends and family again, maybe even going to parties. But, how is our social persona really going to cope? For a...
Mar 24, 2021 | News, Self-care
Have you lost a sense of what day, or even what month it is? If so, don’t worry as you’re not alone. Lockdown has been a very testing time and scrambled everyone’s brain a little. I’ve written about this in a piece for Marie Clare, which you...
Mar 12, 2021 | News, Relationships, Self-care
I certainly don’t need to tell you how explosive the Harry and Meghan interview was. However, aside from the 2 key points everyone is talking about, there was something that I picked up on – Harry’s comment on his “space” relationship...
Feb 22, 2021 | Conscious Uncoupling, News
I think a group hug is probably something we could all do with at the moment! However, are you in a situation where you need one just that little bit more? Group Hug is an online organisation, that helps people divorce and separate well. The organisation is...